Princetonlaan 8a, 3584 CB, Utrecht +31 30 253 13 63

Job opportunity UU | Assistant Professor of Land and Trans-local Development

Assistant Professor of Land and Trans-local Development, Utrecht University (1.0 FTE)
Application deadline: 11 March, 2022

The Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning at the Faculty of Geosciences of Utrecht University is interested in attracting an early career academic in the fields of international development studies, geography, migration studies and linked social science disciplines.

The candidate will join the International Development Studies group at the department. Embedded in the Urban Futures programme, IDS has specialised in understanding local development in a context of rapidly changing flows of capital and people. Looking at the world as an interconnected place, an important starting point for our approach is that rather than depending essentially on ‘local resources’, livelihood opportunities are to a large extent determined by trans local relations, development corridors and development chains; what occurs in one locality will to a large degree depend on what is occurring in other places or, more precisely, on how local agencies interact with external (e.g., global, regional) forces. Focusing on the crossroads of migration and investments flows, we analyse the consequences of new flows and circulations (of people, goods, capital and knowledge) for inclusive and sustainable development in Asia, Africa and Latin America, focusing on the implications for sustainable livelihoods and human wellbeing. Against this backdrop, we are looking for a new colleague who is familiar with and has an ambition to develop our research agenda in critical development geography, cultural/social anthropology, agrarian or urban studies, and related fields.

The position involves 60% teaching and 40% research time. Core tasks include:

  • teaching our Bachelor’s and Master’s level courses;
  • Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis supervision;
  • research, project acquisition and publishing and generating societal impact;
  • PhD supervision;
  • building and strengthening research and education networks in the field of International Development

Click here for more information and to apply